User’s registration is the process of keeping data/information details of our users for some logistics reason. Before one can become bonafide users of the library, one has to register his/her self with the library.

User’s registration is done at the circulation section of the library. You will need to provide evidence of payment as a student or letter of introduction as a staff from any Department in the College and some detailed about yourself. These detailed information includes surname, other names, matriculation number, course combination, department, residential address, phone number, email address, and two recent passport photograph. At the point of registration each registered user’s will be issued with a library guide that contained set of instruction on the do’s and don’ts of the library, a library identity card and two borrower tickets will be issued to students while four borrower tickets will be issued for staffs free of charge. The libraries register only staffs and students of the College.

Registered users are expected to always come to the library with their library identity card as this is the only tickets that can permit them into the library hall. Users that want to borrow library books/materials are to come with their borrowing tickets.